International Board Certificate Program 24


International Board Certificate


The globalization of business means that international companies and organizations must navigate, control, and manage more complex competitive challenges, as well as learn how to govern and work across a variety of countries and cultures. You keep the big picture and values of your organization in mind. You have the ability to act in complex markets and make decisions that contribute to the sustainable success of your organization.

So what international companies and organizations need are board members who combine multicultural know-how with strategic leadership and governance skills in a humane and entrepreneurial way. The International Board Certificate Program (BoD CAS) aims to develop these board skills.

Inscription – questions

Merci d’adresser votre demande à Mme France Aouad:

Tél. +41 58 105 20 45 – Mobile +41 79 959 15 95

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Programme de formation

Le programme de l’International Board Certificate se compose des 8 sessions suivantes (un programme détaillé est fourni aux participants lors de leur inscription):

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