Corporate Governance 4.0 – The forward-looking board of directors


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Publication SBI

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Corporate Governance 4.0

Le conseil d’administration prospectif

Chaque jour, les membres des conseils d’administration font face à un monde de plus en plus volatil, incertain, complexe et ambigu. Pour traverser avec succès les changements et crises économiques parfois dramatiques, les conseils d’administration doivent rester résilients et prévoyants.

Cette publication, éditée par le Swiss Board Institute et Deloitte, fournit un ensemble de principes directeurs pour les conseils d’administration, en mettant l’accent sur le rôle du conseil d’administration, du président et du CEO tournés vers l’avenir, et inclut également un point de vue sur l’auditeur du futur et sur la pertinence de l’audit pour le conseil d’administration.

Each day, board members face an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. To successfully navigate through sometimes dramatic economic changes and crisis, boards must remain resilient and forward-looking.

This publication, edited by the Swiss Board Institute and Deloitte provides a set of guiding principles for boards, focusing on the role of the future-oriented board, the Chairman and the CEO, and includes a view on the auditor of the future and this role’s relevance for the board.

Télécharger l’article:
Version française: Gouvernance d’entreprise 4.0 – Le conseil d’administration prospectif
Version anglaise: Corporate Governance 4.0 – The forward-looking board of directors


The forward-looking board of directors – by Prof. Patricia Klarner, Prof. Gilbert Probst, Mag. Dr. h.c. Monika Kircher

Chairman, board and CEO in times of crisis – by Prof. Gilbert Probst and Prof. Achim
In a crisis the chairman, board and the CEO face role-specific challenges. Navigating crises successfully depends on collaboration and clearly defined roles and responsibilities and other key factors.

The auditor of the future: a strategic partner for a forward-looking board – by Lisa Watson, Sophie Morin, Fabien Bryois and Alexandre Buga (Deloitte Switzerland)
The auditor should look ahead at topics and areas relevant to the future and become a sounding board for the audit committee chairman.[/vc_column_text][mk_padding_divider size= »50″][/vc_column][vc_column width= »1/3″][mk_padding_divider size= »53″][vc_column_text css= ».vc_custom_1592986164779{margin-bottom: 0px !important;} »]“I am convinced of the importance for the board to focus on the long-term view of the company. By the long term I mean the next 30 to 50 years. This applies to all businesses not only the ones that are long-term by nature.”
Beat Hess, Chairman

 “A board of directors should be well-balanced, master the broader challenges and the technical subjects. It is important to periodically review the combined competences and required profiles in order to identify any necessary adjustments.”
Jacques de Watteville, Chairman

“In the context of digital transformation, information technology (IT) skills are of importance. Nevertheless, based on my personal experience, I believe that the major changes all companies have to make are much more closely linked to their corporate culture than to information technology. Having board members with experience in digital transformation and innovation are beneficial for its success, more than IT skills.”
Ingrid Deltenre, Board member[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]